I am so tired of not being able to exercise. The foot surgeon said I have at least two more weeks before I can do weight bearing exercise. (I've been off the foot for 4 weeks now.) But there's a huge lump under my foot. He says it's swelling. I hope it goes down. I start therapy for my wrist after the tendonitis surgery on Monday, so that seems better. But I am feeling very out of it.
But I have been able to work on the computer a lot and I have done the layout, photos and drawings for about 2/3's of Kathe Todd-Hooker's new book. It's called So Warped, and its about warping tapestry looms. So far it's about 90 pages. Since the pages with lots of diagrams can take about 2-5 hours to lay out, I'm sort of glad that I've been home bound and only able to work on the computer. I've been putting in 10 hour days, but it's coming right along. The book is for our company,
Fine Fiber Press and I hope it will be ready by late spring. We want to have a mock-up ready when we travel together to teach at the Conference of Northern California Handweavers in April.